For example in Latvia increased the income by inhabitant with 85 per cent between 1995 and 2004. Estonia and Lithuania have almost the same effect.
In Belgium was the increase in the same period a lot less, "only" 20 per cent, and in Germany it was even less then 10 per cent.
Economists from 8 European countries lanalysed the exploits of the EU member states, and looked for declarations for the high differences. They determined that the new member states from central Europe had already an increase before they entered the EU. From the new member states have Malta and Cyprus the slowest increase.
Economists from 8 European countries lanalysed the exploits of the EU member states, and looked for declarations for the high differences. They determined that the new member states from central Europe had already an increase before they entered the EU. From the new member states have Malta and Cyprus the slowest increase.
In the older member states are there coutriens who have a boosting Economy like Great Brittain, Ireland, Sweden and Finland. The reason for the boosting economy is a lot of investments in the information technologie, which increased the ICT-capital.
Other countries like Spain and Greece hav a boosting econmy because there was an increase of the labourer market.
France and Germany have a rather less growing economy, because they have a reduced labour market.
I think that it's good that the new member states have a boosting economy, because al member states of the European Union will have an advantage of boosting European Economy.
1 comment:
It is good that the new members have a boosting economy, so wealth will rise. But it is also normal that the economy of the new members increases. When you have nothing and then you have the possibility to trade, investments,... Than your economy will increase fast.
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